

WIDE Autumn camp meeting

The WIDE camp meeting will be held on 10th to 12th September. In this camp, we hope to create an opportunity to discover new values and guides through intensive technical discussions between companies, universities, and research institutes. Therefore, we hold practical workshops among several topics and you will be able discuss the future of each topic, while learning with hands-on training. The content of the workshops is as follows.

September 10th ー 11th
* Blockchain(lecturer:Keio University - Ryosuke Abe)
* Security Hackathon(lecturer: NICT - Teruaki Yokoyama)

September 11thー12th
* Network Operation(lecturer:University of Tokyo - Yuji Sekiya, Tomohiro Ishihara, Yohei Kuga)
* Quantam Computing(lecturer:Keio University - Rod Van Meter, Takahiko Sato, Takahiko Satoh, Takaaki Matsuo, Makoto Nishio)
* Packet Processing(lecturer:KDDI - Hidehiko Kawakami, Yamaha - Go Hukazawa)

The meeting is a member only meeting. For those who are interested in participating the activities of the WIDE project, please contact us from "Join Research (http://www.wide.ad.jp/About/Join_e.html)" page.