第10部 Explicit Multicast (pdf)

  1. はじめに

  2. MDO6(Multiple Destination Option)の実装と試用
    1. 実装
    2. 試用
      1. INET2000 デモンストレーション
      2. XCAST 定例ビデオミーティング

  3. グループ管理機構の設計と実装
    1. 実装

  4. XCAST basic speci fication
    1. Introduction
    2. Overview Xcast
    3. The cost of the traditional multicast schemes
    4. Motivation
    5. Application
    6. Flexibility Xcast
    7. Control plane
      1. SIP
      2. Receiver Initiated Join model
    8. Optional information
      1. List of ports
      2. List of DSCPs
      3. Channel Identifier
    9. Encoding
      1. General
      2. IPv4
    10. Impact on Upper Layer Protocols
      1. Checksum calculation in transport layer headers
      2. IPsec
    11. Gradual Deployment
      1. Tunneling
      2. Premature X2U
      3. Semi-permeable tunneling (IPv6 only)
      4. Special case:deployment without network support
    12. (Socket)API
    13. Security Considerations

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