

Poster awards in WIDE 2017 autumn camp meeting

The following 4 poster presentations were awarded in the WIDE 2017 autumn camp meeting held from 4th to 7th September.


Poster Session Best poster award

Proposal of data analysis approach for inbound travelers; Fieldwork in Kurashiki Bikan Historical Quarter
Presenter: Ayana Yoroisaka (Keio University)
Abstract: I analyze people flow in Kurashiki Bikan Historical Quarter (Bikan-chiku), then

Ayana photo


In-class Programming Exercise Support System Using Learning Analytics
Presenter: Keiko Shigeta (Keio University)

Keiko photo


AS Hegemony: A Robust Metric for AS Centrality
Presenter: Romain Fontugne (IIJ Innovation Institute Inc.)

Romain photo


Poster Session Student award

The improvement of radio wave propagation simulation in wireless network emulation Presenter: Kosei Hashimoto (Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)

Kosei photo