第25部 Integrated Distributed Environment with Overlay Network

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第1章 Introduction

1.1 IDEON revisited
1.2 Projects
1.3 Activity plans
1.4 Topics covered in this report

第2章 Discussions on Multi-Overlay Architecture over the Internet

2.1 Overlay Networking as a Solution
2.2 Issues concerning the Internet
2.2.1 Endpoint Naming, Locating, and Routing
2.2.2 Security and Overlay
2.2.3 Overloading Causes Contradiction
2.3 Coordination of Multi-Thin Overlays
2.3.1 Multi-Thin vs. Single-Ultimate
2.3.2 Future Network Architecture with MT Style Overlays
2.4 Conclusion and a Vision of the Future Internet

第3章 DHTを用いたDNS上の非構造な名前空間の検索効率化の一検討

3.1 はじめに
3.1.1 IDを中心とした情報管理における課題
3.1.2 分散インデックス技術の実現
3.1.3 本研究の貢献
3.2 関連研究
3.3 DNSとDHTの名前空間接合における課題
3.4 名前空間マウント方式
3.4.1 DNSの構成
3.4.2 2つのアプローチの併用による構成
3.4.3 動作の流れ
3.4.4 キャッシュが原因の名前解決失敗
3.5 劣化キャッシュの影響評価
3.5.1 検証の焦点
3.5.2 シミュレーションモデル
3.5.3 パラメータと手順
3.5.4 シミュレーション結果
3.6 考察
3.6.1 本方式の効果と限界
3.6.2 劣化キャッシュの影響
3.7 議論
3.8 おわりに

第4章 Distributed Scalable MOG Servers on P2P Networks

4.1 Introduction
4.2 Multi-player Online Games
4.2.1 Global Status Data
4.3 Zoned Federation Model
4.3.1 Assumptions
4.3.2 Zone
4.3.3 Distributed Hash Table
4.3.4 Zoning and Mapping
4.3.5 Zoned Federation
4.4 Implementation
4.4.1 Pastry for ZFM
4.4.2 Zoning Layer
4.4.3 Procedures
4.4.4 Sample MOG Program
4.5 Evaluation
4.5.1 Order
4.5.2 Response Latency Overhead
4.6 Other MOG models based on P2P overlay network
4.7 Related Work
4.8 Future Work
4.9 Conclusion

第5章 WOT for WAT: Spinning the Web of Trust for Peer-to-Peer Barter Relationships

5.1 Introduction
5.1.1 Peer-to-peer complementary currencies and their potential impacts on the Internet
5.1.2 Contribution of this chapter
5.2 Background
5.2.1 Digital signature
5.2.2 Web of trust
5.2.3 PGP trust model
5.2.4 The WAT System
5.3 i-WAT: the Internet WAT System
5.3.1 Overview
5.3.2 Changes from the WAT System
5.3.3 Protocol
5.4 i-WAT and the PGP trust model
5.4.1 i-WAT trust model
5.4.2 Spinning the web of trust - preconditions
5.4.3 Spinning the web of trust - case studies
5.4.4 Justification of the preconditions
5.4.5 Possible attacks
5.5 Deployment
5.5.1 Overview
5.5.2 Support for the preconditional properties
5.6 Future work
5.7 Related work
5.7.1 Magic Money
5.7.2 Geek Credit
5.7.3 Ripple
5.8 Conclusions


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